How do I return an online purchase?
You can get in touch with our Customer Service here and include the following details in your enquiry:
- Order Number,
- Name of the Item, and
- Reason for return
Am I able to return an online purchase in-store?
Yes! However, online returns can only be refunded as store credit in the form of a Sephora Gift Card and are subject to our return and exchange policy.
Am I able to return an in-store purchase online?
Unfortunately, all in-store purchases will need to be returned in-store. We apologise for the inconvenience caused!
Am I able to return an item bought from Sephora in another country?
All returns for international purchases are currently not available.
You might also want to read:
What is the return and exchange policy?
What do I do if I had an allergic reaction?
What if my parcel contains damaged, incorrect, or missing items?
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